Forecast tomorrow's success with today's cash flow data.
The free predictive tool that offer insights into your business' cash flow health. Never miss a beat (or a bill) again!
How's your upcoming cash flow?
Beginning Balance
+ $
Estimated Inflow
- $
Estimated Outflow
- $
Beginning Balance

A personalised report delivered to you weekly.
Stay on top of your business' cash flow with a weekly report sent to your email. Get the insights you need to make better decisions.

Cash flow forecasting done more accurately.
Elevate's predictive tool is programmed to analyse the behaviours of your past and upcoming cash in and out flows. The more you use Elevate, the more accurate the data gets.

Stay on top of your cash flow. Grow with confidence.
Make more calculated growth decisions for your business.
How is your cash flow health?
Find out if your cash flow health and processes are optimised or lagging behind
DISCLAIMER: This quiz is provided by Elevate for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice of any kind. Elevate makes no representation or warranties as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the information contained herein. The results of the quiz should not be construed as an approval or guarentee of your application of Elevate products or any related entities. Always refer directly to Elevate's official channels and representatives for enquires related to cash flow management.
Use Elevate to boost your cash flow
Sign up for a free account. Elevate is your cashflow management platform. Simplify financial operations, access credit, track cash flow, and get paid digitally—all within your account.